Howdy blogger fans!
Oh My Gosh!!! I can't believe it has been so long since I last posted! I must apologize to my readers, I hope you haven't given up on me.
I've been working quite a few hours at Meijer's, but I know that is no excuse. My hours are kind of crazy though. Sometimes I work until 11 at night, then I'll have to go in at 6 in the morning. That doesn't happen too often though. Sometimes I work 9:30 pm until 6:00 am. That's the worst because I always feel like I wasted too much time sleeping when I get home. Well, enough of that!
I have today off, and as many of you may already know, it is my birthday. I decided to spend at least part of the day doing stuff I want and not stuff that needs to be done. Later, if the weather cooperates, I will cut grass. That needs to be done, but it is something I enjoy doing anyway. Dave and I are going out to dinner tonight.
Now it's time for some Monday Madness!!!
Do you prefer....
1. Long hair or Short hair - on the longer side
2. Contacts or Glasses - glasses
3. Spring or Autumn - Both really, but I think spring comes out on top.
4. Mittens or Gloves - gloves for working and driving, mittens for keeping warm.
5. Car or Truck/SUV - truck
6. Mac or Windows - windows
7. Cats or Dogs - cats
8. Rock or Jazz - jazz
9. Pen or Pencil - pen
10. DVD's or VHS's - vhs
Now I'm going to do last week's! This one is in honor of MM 1 year anniversary. Congrats to OttO who has developed a great following!
Using the following letters, name birthday-related words; nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, phrases; they are all allowed! Have fun!! =)
H - honor
A - aging
P - party
P - paper hats
Y - yearly
B - big cake
I - independence
R - remarkable
T - totally cool!
H - personal Holiday!
D - delicious treats
A - acquiring wisdom
Y - yummy dinner
At June 24, 2004 at 11:17 AM,
sherle said…
Just another great big ol' Happy Birthday!!! I LOVE YOU!!!
At June 24, 2004 at 11:44 PM,
Nat said…
Thanks for catching up, Windy!! And did I wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY? I hope you enjoyed it!! =)
At June 25, 2004 at 2:11 AM,
Jan said…
It's nice to see you back in action Windy! It was nice talking with you tonight - love ya bunches!
At June 25, 2004 at 8:18 AM,
sharba said…
I'm glad you had a good day! I want to go to the stitching store!
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